The Meanest Dad...

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Location: Michigan, United States

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Named after the son of an icon. In the heart of his Dad. Not told nearly enough what joy he's brought me. Soon, he'll be on his own. Should I tell him then?

Make each day your masterpiece- John Wooden

"If there ever is a tomorrow when we're not together..there is something you must always remember. You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart, I'll always be with you." Pooh

Don't be afraid to see what you see- Ronald Reagan

In his mother's arms it was all beauty I could take
Like the missing words to some prayer- Bruce


Monday, August 16, 2010

"Hey little girl with the red dress on

There's a party tonight down in Memphis town

I'll be going down there if you need a ride

The man on the radio said Elvis Presley's died."

33 years ago. I was 18, sitting in the parking lot at a Goodyear Store in Centerline, Mi. Couldnt move my car afraid I'd miss some part of the reports.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Chelsea Clinton got married today. No one cares. She's a complete mutt who is famous because of her tool parents. This is not news......

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Air America is filing for bankruptcy and ceasing live broadcasts. Both listeners are devastated.

Saturday, January 09, 2010

"Before Elvis, there was nothing." - John Lennon. The King would have been 75 yesterday.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

It takes two...(or more).. Sadie sent us an angel in our new Golden, Cheetah. She is so much like Sadie and so easy to love. Meggie finally got her wish, and Aussie named KC. She is a handful of fun and very smart. They seem to get along well, dont you think?

Thursday, October 15, 2009

"She's just a dog." We lost Sadie early Monday morning. She just walked into her kennel, laid down and died. She was ten and a half years old. She must have been struggling with something. She had been hit by a car last spring. A broken pelvis that never was the same. The accident sure made us take stock in how blessed we were to have this girl.

She grew up with the kids. She camped, she ran, she rode in the car, she sat on our laps (all 90 lbs of her). She sat in the driveway or on the porch while we played outside. She joined us in playing catch. She hauled away wood and took out the trash. She got the mail and allowed Megan to use her for jumping demonstrations. She greeted everyone who came over as if they were there to visit her. She slept at the end of my bed. Every night. If you laid on the floor to watch TV, she laid right up against you. She wrestled and ran...she was a big lovable puppy..

I miss her like crazy. Shes not there with me for my coffee. Shes not in her kennel to be let out when I get home. She has left a hole in my heart. I owe her more than I can ever say...I wasn't ready to let her go...